Evelyn Hubbell

Disability Advocate
Peer Support


My name is Evelyn Hubbell and I am a Disability Advocate on the Peer Support team at SAIL. I received a degree in graphic design from Ferris State University before coming to Northern Michigan University to study social work. I then spent several years working in and managing group homes for treatment facilities, as well as a few years in customer service. What really drove me to work at SAIL was the opportunity to help people all over the UP regardless of financial status and at no charge.

I first moved to the UP 8 years ago and quickly fell in love with the beauty of it all. During the summers I enjoy hiking, camping, and fishing, and especially love visiting new waterfalls. During the winter I like to hunker in with my two cats and catch up on my reading.


What Our Team Has To Say.

"I want to improve acceptance, community integration and employment opportunities for people in my community who have disabilities. They are individuals with strengths and challenges just like everyone else."
Kris Keranen
"As an intern at SAIL, I have been able to direct many people toward programs or organizations that may help people live more independently. Every time a goal is accomplished, the feeling of success is totally noticeable. Even with one client at a time, the community is noticing that this organization cares about our clients and the communities in which they serve."
Jennifer Webber
"Disability Network has allowed me to share ways to deal with social issues, given me new ideas about technology and other accommodations, helped me to share and release stress, and increased my self esteem."
Geri Taeckens