Katie Poston

Program Manager
Intake Department


As the Intake Program Manager, I am here to ensure that every individual coming to SAIL is treated with dignity and respect. Our team is the first point of contact for most individuals coming to SAIL, we strive to gather as much information as possible to best serve each consumer. As advocates, we assist in overcoming barriers and provide resources and information.

Katie finished her Public Health degree before moving to SC, where she began her career working with at-risk populations and developing programs to better fit the needs of that area. Katie is excited to a part of SAIL’s growth throughout the UP to allow access to all individuals living with a disability.

In her free time, Katie enjoys spending time with her husband and son as well as family and friends, camping, kayaking, and traveling.


What Our Team Has To Say.

"I want to improve acceptance, community integration and employment opportunities for people in my community who have disabilities. They are individuals with strengths and challenges just like everyone else."
Kris Keranen
"As an intern at SAIL, I have been able to direct many people toward programs or organizations that may help people live more independently. Every time a goal is accomplished, the feeling of success is totally noticeable. Even with one client at a time, the community is noticing that this organization cares about our clients and the communities in which they serve."
Jennifer Webber
"Disability Network has allowed me to share ways to deal with social issues, given me new ideas about technology and other accommodations, helped me to share and release stress, and increased my self esteem."
Geri Taeckens